Their Family Explorers events are for children with their parent/carer(s)
Ponds and Wetlands: Their wetlands and ponds are packed with unknown creatures just waiting to be discovered. Even the most tranquil-looking pond can be teeming with untold underwater life – animals shapeshifting into adult forms, slime-eating snails, scuba-diving beetles and snorkelling stick insects! The tiny organisms found in pond water are also fascinating subjects to study under the microscope, so they hope to captivate both beginner and experienced microscopists for a lifetime! Using identification keys, they’ll guide children to recognise our aquatic amigos and also keep an eye out for other wildlife that thrives near wetlands.
Easter Fun: There are eggs everywhere! Bunny has heard all about Easter from his friends but he’s a little confused about Easter eggs; why is he delivering them, where do they come from and what do they look like? He needs some help looking for different types of eggs that can be found at Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory’s nature reserve so that he can understand all about them. But they are not just looking for bird eggs… what other eggs and creatures will they find?
Create an eco-friendly Easter basket then join their guided quest with challenges to become a wildlife egg investigator extraordinaire with their special quiz and scavenger hunt. Then, head back to their Field Centre to create a chocolatey treat.
Wednesday 9th April 2025 10am to 1pm Ponds and Wetlands
Thursday 10th April 10am to 1pm Easter Fun
£5 per child book online here: