Heritage Open Weekend at the Western Heights 2024

  • When
  • Area Dover



Drop Redoubt Road
CT17 9DZ


Free event

Useful info

  • Available: Family-friendly
  • Available: Car parking
  • Available: Public transport nearby


For this Heritage Open Weekend The Western Heights Drop Redoubt Fort & Grand Shaft will be open to the public for self exploration.

Drop Redoubt:

The Drop Redoubt is one of two forts on the Western Heights and is linked to the other, the Citadel, by a series of dry moats, or ‘lines’. It is a large and impressive fortress intended to attack an invading force attempting to capture Dover from the north-east.

Access is only available on 3 tours starting at 10am, 12pm and 2pm

Tours must be booked in advance at whpstours@gmail.com

Grand Shaft:

Built during the Napoleonic Wars to link the harbour to the barracks on Western Heights, the Grand Shaft is a unique 19th century triple staircase built to provide a short cut for troops from the Western Heights to the town. It has three staircases of Purbeck limestone which wind anti-clockwise down a central light-well, dropping 140 feet through the cliffs.

Open from 10.30am to 4pm, free access at anytime between these hours.  There are no guided tours of the staircase but you can explore at your leisure.